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Animal rescue braces for Hurricane Barry

Doug Ratner

Posted on July 12 2019

New Orleans is certainly no stranger to hurricanes and severe weather, but that doesn't diminish how scary a potential hurricane can be.
With Hurricane Barry looming over New Orleans, the city is in a state of emergency and many have either evacuated or are strapped in, waiting.
What does that mean for the animals/rescue?
Well, for some, like Villalobos Animal Rescue, they have to evacuate the dogs in their care, sending them to safe locations and also foster homes. The stress and hard work that this must place on the rescues is tremendous.
Not to mention the fact that if new rescues have to take in displaced animals, this adds an extra burden on the staff.
We saw first hand with Hurricane Harvey how intense this can be. The Atlanta Humane Society took in hundreds of displaced dogs from all over the southeast, and luckily we were able to help out in some way. But it took a long time for them to bounce back due to the added stress and draining of their resources.
Let's just hope that the storm/hurricane isn't that bad, and that the animals (and people) make it through safe and sound.
We're already on high alert with getting disaster bundles and emergency rescue supplies to be sent to the New Orleans rescues, because we know it will be a tremendous amount of work bringing the pets back into their facilities.
We'll keep you posted as we learn more, and you can help out by purchase a rescue bundle!


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